MTN Dew’s 2020 Super Bowl ad was a remake of The Shining. It was just as good as the original, maybe even better? Just like MTN Dew Zero Sugar.

In The Shining, the kid has an invisible friend named Tony. Tony talks to him through his finger.

Well, we kinda took that and ran with it.

tony the finger

Why get your Super Bowl commentary from a talking head when you could get it from a talking finger?

maybe even better scripts

We also rewrote all the other 2020 Super Bowl spots and made them as good as the original, maybe even better?


Bless this ad for giving us the chance to film a talking finger for 12 hours.

Role: Creative Team

Tony Director: Andrew Nethery

ECDs: Amy Ferguson, Julia Neumann

ACD AD: Ashley Veltre

Senior CW: Chris Santaiti